The activity of International Trade Center Association - Brasov Romanian takes place in a Business Center and includes the following domains(areas):
- organizing events
- renting spaces - initiating and developing business
- trading
In the global context of the economic and financial activities, the improvement (development) of the international commercial relations becomes an imperative necessity , a challenge addressed to any company. It`s time for you to have pluridisciplinary partners who:
- would keep in touch with outside interlocutors and Romanian potential partners
- would know the Romanian legislation, as well as international settlements on commercial activities (import-export)
- would assist you in implementing your activities with Romanian and foreign partners.
International Trade Center Association - Brasov Romanian, by its own specialized staff and by its co-workers, is capable of solving all your problems in a professional manner.
Due to our own data base and the data transmitted by the Economic Departments of Romanian embassy in the whole world, Trade Departments or other Romanian and foreign profile organizations (that we co-work with), International Trade Center Association - Brasov Romanian initiates and develops different activities of import and export on its own, or mediates it on behalf of interested beneficiaries or producers.
- organizing events
- renting spaces - initiating and developing business
- trading
In the global context of the economic and financial activities, the improvement (development) of the international commercial relations becomes an imperative necessity , a challenge addressed to any company. It`s time for you to have pluridisciplinary partners who:
- would keep in touch with outside interlocutors and Romanian potential partners
- would know the Romanian legislation, as well as international settlements on commercial activities (import-export)
- would assist you in implementing your activities with Romanian and foreign partners.
International Trade Center Association - Brasov Romanian, by its own specialized staff and by its co-workers, is capable of solving all your problems in a professional manner.
Due to our own data base and the data transmitted by the Economic Departments of Romanian embassy in the whole world, Trade Departments or other Romanian and foreign profile organizations (that we co-work with), International Trade Center Association - Brasov Romanian initiates and develops different activities of import and export on its own, or mediates it on behalf of interested beneficiaries or producers.
International Trade Center Association - Brasov Romanian is capable of giving assistance in initiation and development of business or representation of supplied products or services in Romania.
Our experts and co-workers are the best to give you the most qualified advice and to assure you the logistic support for:
- setting up branches and representations
- identification of sources for raw material, finite products, services
- identification of industrial and commercial partners
- administration of activities, business, etc.
By deciding to rent a (commercial) space in ITC building we assure you that your choice is an attractive and economical business. This will allow you to be in permanent touch with the business environment of Brasov and the ational one, and will make you benefit of the high quality services and prices according to the market of Brasov.
You can also host production activities in the spaces that measure more than 25 square meters or in the basement spaces.
For spaces larger than 25 square meters you can choose how to divide them
Services that you benefit of (included in the rental):

heating, air conditioned

(electrical network)

(direct number or by operator)

permanent specialized guard

access to toilet (resting room)

(in the access spaces and in the toilets)
Services that you benefit of (not included in the rental):

access to internet 24h/day

(xerox copy)

sending/receiving faxes

sending/receiving e-mails



(in the rented commercial spaces)

renting furniture

identification of potential partners

and of specialized staff

secretariate services
Facilities for the rental people:

at lower prices

at lower prices

access to restaurant/catering services

office services

(beeing helped by a specialized firm)

(by beeing helped by a specialized firm)
For the spaces position please consult the floor scheme.